Random Thoughts by Pam

Here you will find my many random thoughts. Random pictures, random stories, random sayings, whatever I am thinking at the moment when I'm ready to write! Basically, you'll get to hear what's on my mind at any given moment - especially when my husband doesn't want to listen to my rambling!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


So last night, Richard and I played Scrabble. Now I'm usually pretty good at Scrabble. Richard hardly ever comes close to beating me. Well, last night, Richard beat the socks off me! He won by a good 100 points! I couldn't believe it! Ugh!! I had the worst letters ever. X and Z, all consonants, no vowels, It was horrible! Just needed to vent! It was fun though. Richard had a great time though. He was coming up with words like crazy! Me, I could barely make anything more than three letters long. We had a good time though. Nice to have a playing partner back in the house!

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